Working Mother (-year)

Working Mother
Working Mother (1-year)
Magazine Subscription Bonnier Corporation
2.4 out of 5 stars(9)

Price: $28.00 $9.97 ($1.25/issue)

(Visit the Bestsellers in Parenting list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)

This magazine is edited for career-committed working mothers who have made the decision to raise a family while pursuing their personal growth to manage a successful career. The magazine provides advice on child care, children's education, growth and development, health and well-being, personal health, fashion and beauty, career options, work/family issues, family finances, food and nutrition.

This magazine is edited for career-committed working mothers who have made the decision to raise a family while pursuing their personal growth to manage a successful career. The magazine provides advice on child care, children's education, growth and development, health and well-being, personal health, fashion and beauty, career options, work/family issues, family finances, food and nutrition.