The New York Observer

The New
The New York Observer
Magazine Subscription The New York Observer
4.0 out of 5 stars(3)

Price: $98.00 $46.00 ($0.94/issue)

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With its cheekily grandiose old-style newspaper layout, giant Drew Friedman caricatures, hilarious wedding-cake-tiered headlines, and, of course, its salmon-pink pages, the New York Observer--"New York's Weekly Newspaper"--wears its smirky knowingness on its sleeve. The table of contents carries the bylines of some of the grand old men of New York cultural commentary--Andrew Sarris, Rex Reed, Hilton Kramer--but the Observer's real spirit is in the dishy, you-are-listening-in-on-the-cell-phone coverage of the city's (or at least the borough of Manhattan's) most naked obsessions: real estate, publishing, Wall Street, local politics, and social and financial excess. There you'll find the dogged publicists, the embittered former managing editors, the howling apartment brokers, and the bored teen socialites who make schadenfreude such an exquisite urban pleasure. At its best, the Observer lingers long and unobtrusively enough at the photo shoots and the tiny tables covered with empty martini glasses to make you feel that you are indeed hearing the talk of the town. --Tom Nissley

THE NEW YORK OBSERVER is edited for smart, savvy New Yorkers everywhere. It covers media, finance, politics, society and the cultural arts, and offers a unique, irreverent perspective on city life via columns, criticism, profiles and features.